Manjistha Powder
Botanical Name: Rubia cordifolia
Manjistha is the Sanskrit name for a creeper with blood red sap, also known as Indian madder. The Latin name is rubia cordifolia.
Manjishtha helps in abnormal vaginal discharges and regulation of menstruation cycles. The antispasmodic properties of the plant may be related to the ability of calcium channel blockers which aids in relieving painful uterine cramping and increased peristalsis. Some believe the plant also possesses the ability to help during congestion and stagnation of tissues throughout the body, which cleanses the uterus and improves menstruation flow. It may aid in kidney stones, and decrease blood uric acid levels.
Sulfur and tannins present in the plant possess antibacterial properties. As this plant has salicylates similar to aspirin, the plant acts as anti-inflammatory and thus helps in rheumatoid arthritis.
Botanical Name: Rubia cordifolia
• Antispasmodic
• Vaginal discharge
• Gout
• Kidney stones
• Abnormal menstruation