Sage Organic Essential Oil
Active Ingredient: Camphor: 19.2%, 1, 8-Cineol: 13%, a-Thuyune: 18%
Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
Plant Part: Leaves
Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
Origin: Albania
Description: Sage is an evergreen perennial herb that can grow up to about 60cm (2 feet) high with a woody base, soft gray-green oval leaves and a mass of blue or violet flowers.
Color: Pale yellow to greenish yellow liquid.
Common Uses: The therapeutic properties of Organic Sage Essential Oil include use as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent. In aromatherapy, it is believed to calm the nerves, assist with grief and depression and also assist with female sterility as well as menopausal problems. For topical applications, Sage Oil is reputed to ease swelling, relieve pain caused by rheumatism; and it may be used to reduce pore size, heal wounds, infections and assist with skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis.
Consistency: Thin
Note: Top
Strength of Aroma: Medium
Blends well with:Bergamot, Lavender, Lemon, Origanum, and Rosemary.
Aromatic Scent: Organic Sage Essential Oil has a spicy, sharp, and very herbaceous scent. It is referred to as having a penetrating and powerful aroma.
History: The folklore of sage goes back to the ancient Greeks and Romans who believed that it imparted wisdom and mental acuity. In the Middle Ages sage was used as a treatment for memory loss, fevers and intestinal problems. It was also used to treat eye problems, liver disease and infections!