Watercress Herb C/S
Botanical Name: Nasturtium officinale
Watercress is a plant. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine.
Watercress is used for swollen breathing passages in the lung, coughs, bronchitis, flu, and swine flu. Other uses include treating baldness, constipation, parasitic worms, cancer, goiter, polyps, scurvy, and tuberculosis.
Watercress is also used to improve appetite and digestion, to enhance sexual arousal, to kill germs, and as a “Spring tonic.” Women sometimes use it to cause an abortion.
Some people apply watercress directly to the skin for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, earache, eczema, scabies, and warts.
In foods, watercress is widely used in leaf salads and as a culinary spice.
Watercress may be able to fight bacteria. It can also increase the amount of urine produced by the body (diuretic).
Botanical Name: Nasturtium officinale
• Coughs and bronchitis
• Hair loss
• Flu
• Topical for arthritis
• Topical for scabies and warts