Curry Leaves C/S
Botanical Name: Bergera koenigii
The Curry Leaf tree is a small or medium sized tree, most famous for its aromatic leaves that provide curry spice.
Curry leaves are extensively used in Southern India and Sri Lanka (and are absolutely necessary for the authentic flavour), but are also of some importance in Northern India. They are highly aromatic.
When cooking, the leaves are generally used fresh off of the tree. The yellow "curry powder" that is common in Western countries is actually not curry at all, but a mix of spices intended to mimic the true curry flavor. The yellow color comes from turmeric root.
Leaves are digestive, tonic, stimulant, rich in vitamin A and calcium. Leaves are also used for diarrhoea, dysentry and vomitting. Bark-paste is antisceptic, applied to skin eruptions. Root extract is taken for relief from renal pain.
Botanical Name: Bergera koenigii
• Digestive tonic
• Diarrhea
• Antiseptic
• Bruises