Labdanum Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Cistus Ladanifer
Plant Part: Resin
Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction
Origin: India
Description: Labdanum is a sticky brown resin obtained from the shrubs Cistus ladanifer species of rockrose. It has a long history of use in herbal medicine and as a perfume ingredient. Labdanum is a small sticky shrub which grows up to 3m high with lance shaped leaves that are white and furry on the underside, and fragrant white flowers.
Color: Dark brown viscous liquid.
Common Uses: Labdanum Essential Oil is considered to have the following properties: anti-microbial, antiseptic, astringent, balsamic, emmenagogue and expectorant. It is said to act as a fixative in perfumes and is widely used in the perfumery industry. It is also considered useful in skincare preparations especially for mature skin and wrinkles. Labdanum can be used to treat colds, coughs, and rheumatism. When combined with Frankincense, it is excellent for meditation.
Consistency: Thick
Note: Middle
Strength of Aroma: Strong
Blends well with: Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Pine, Clary Sage, Cypress, and Vetiver.
Aromatic Scent: Labdanum Essential Oil has a warm sweet, musky, amber scent.
Directions to Use: We would recommend placing the bottle in a very hot water bath, changing the water frequently and once it is back to the liquid state be sure to shake before use.
History: In ancient times, the resin was scraped from the fur of goats and sheep that had grazed on the cistus shrubs. It was collected by the shepherds and sold to coastal traders. The false beards worn by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were actually the labdanum soaked hair of these goats.
General Information: Sunrise Botanics provides this essential oils guide for educational purposes only and not as medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare practitioner or resource on uses, safety and precautions for all essential oils Canada, USA and Worldwide.