Tagete Flower Absolute
Botanical Name: Tagetes erecta
Plant Part: Flower
Extraction Method: Solvent Extraction
Origin: Egypt
Description: Tagete is an annual growing herb with spindly stems and yellow flower clusters.
Color: Dark yellow liquid.
Common Uses: Tagete Flower Absolute is widely used ingredient in the perfumery and skin care industries. It is used to manufacture products such as lotions, massage oils, bath oils, diffusers, potpourri and incense. In aromatherapy, it is considered to be bactericidal and fungicidal and is useful for respiratory conditions, especially those involving infections. Said to be an effective insect repellent, Tagette Absolute can be found in a number of pet shampoos and powders.
Consistency: Medium
Note: Top
Strength of Aroma: Medium
Blends well with: Tagete Flower Absolute generally blends well with all essential oils, but specifically with Tangerine, Clary Sage, Lavender, Jasmine, Lemon, and Myrrh.
Aromatic Scent: Tagette Absolute is easily classified as sweet, fruity and almost citrus-like.
History: After the Boer war in South Africa, Australian troops brought plants to their native land where it grew profusely.